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Collective Worship Rota


Date (w/b) Week  Saints and Feast Days Collective Worship Title/Christian Value Resources
4.9.23 1

22nd Sunday

5th September –

Day of Charity



11.09.23 2

23rd Sunday



How can we live by the St Gregory’s Charism’s this year?

How can we show service to others?


-New beginnings

-Helping others

18.09.23 3

24th Sunday

21st September - Day of Peace


Safeguarding assembly.

Why is it important to forgive others?




25/09/23 4

25th Sunday


International Day of Peace.

Live Simply Award.

-Live Simply Award



2.10.23 5

26th Sunday


How important is it to trust others?

Is it important to trust God?

-Trust in God


9.10.23 6

27th Sunday

10th October - World Homeless Day

Tolerance and Respect:

Are tolerance and respect the same things?

Why are these words important at our school?

-Following rules

Treating others. fairly

-Learning from mistakes

-Showing respect

-Being tolerant

16.10.23 7

28th Sunday


What are your aspirations?

Is it important to have aspirations in life?

-Being the best we can be

-Setting goals


23.10.23 8 29th Sunday


How easy is it to be honest?

Why should we be honest?

-Being honest



Half Term
6.11.23 9

31st Sunday

Remembrance Day 11th November



Remembrance Day:

How can we best remember these people?

How can we honour then?



-Remembrance Sunday

-World Wars

13.11.23 10 32nd Sunday

PF week – Make A Noise: 

How can we be an anti-bullying school?

How can you make a positive footprint at St Gregory’s by using our charisms?

-Positive Footprint




20.11.23 11

33rd Sunday


How can we be who God calls us to be?

Can we use our talents for good?




27.11.23 12

Feast of Christ the King

Living out the Gospel Message:

How can we live out the gospel message?

Why is it important?

-Charity work

-School Prayer


-Young Leader

4.12.23 13

1st Week of Advent

8th Dec - Immaculate Conception of Mary

1st Advent:

Do you think God has a plan for you?

How can we prepare for Christmas during Advent?



-Preparing for Jesus' birth

11.12.23 14

2nd Week of Advent

2nd Advent:

Why is it important to spread the Good News at Christmas?

Should we just do this at Advent?

-Young Leader


-Good news


18.12.23 15
3rd Week
of Advent

3rd Advent:

John the Baptist was sent to tell people about Jesus in preparation for his arrival. This advent can you spread the word about Jesus’ arrival? How?




Spring Term
08.01.24 16
6th Jan - The Epiphany of the Lord
7th Jan - Baptism of the Lord

Baptism of the Lord: Baptism allows us to cleanse and start anew. Are there any circumstances in which we can change for the better?

-New Years Resolutions



15.01.24 17

2nd Sunday

Be who you are called to be: The disciples were called to be followers of Jesus. How can you be a follower of Jesus? Who or what should you follow in school?


-Young leader

-Gifts and talents

23.01.24 18

3rd Sunday

27th Jan -Holocaust Memorial Week

Holocaust Memorial Week:

How can we remember the Holocaust? Why is reflecting on the Holocaust important for future generations? How does it affect us?





-Love your neighbour

29.01.24 19

4th Sunday

2nd Feb: The
of the Lord

Big Lent Walk

-Live Simply



05.02.24 20

5th Sunday

11th Feb: Our Lady of Lourdes

Children’s Mental Health Week:

Theme TBC

-Mental health



12.02.24 21

6th Sunday

14th Feb - Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday:

Why do we celebrate Ash Wednesday?

-Ash Wednesday



Half Term
26.02.24 22
2nd Sunday of Lent
1st March:
Feast of Saint

Lent: Jesus transfigured before his friends. How can we be the best versions of ourselves for our friends and family? How can we help them be the best version of themselves?

-Best versions of ourselves

-Making choices

-Be who you are called to be



04.03.24 23

3rd Sunday of Lent

8th March - Inter

Lent: There are lots of people selling things in the synagogue in this week’s Gospel and Jesus tells them they shouldn’t. At Easter time, it is easy to get caught up with how many Easter Eggs we receive but how can we make it more about Jesus?

-Focussing on the importance of Easter

-Remembering Jesus throughout Lent


11.03.24 24
4th Sunday of Lent
17th March -  Feast of St. Patrick

Lent: How can we be the light of Jesus in our community? Think of ways we can be good examples to create a caring community

-A caring community


-Showing compassion

-Supporting others


18.03.24 25
5th Sunday of Lent
19th March - Feast of St.  Joseph
20th March -World Day of Happiness
21st March. -  World Down Syndrome Day

 Lent: Jesus is preparing for his death. How does Jesus’ death and resurrection give us hope for the future?

-Remaining hopeful evenintough situations

-New life


25.03.24 26

Palm Sunday

28th March – Maundy Thursday

29th March – Good Friday

31st March – Easter Sunday

Easter: How can we share Jesus’ Easter journey?

-Attend mass

-Spend some time for reflection

-New life

-Hope for the future


Summer Term
15.04.24 27

3rd  Sunday of Easter

Peace: Jesus offered the scared disciples peace. Who can we turn to in our lives to find peace? How can we make peace with difficult situations?

-People we look up to

-Making peacewith situations


22.04.24 28
4th Sunday of Easter
24th April - Feast of St. George

The Good Shepherd: How is Jesus a shepherd, a source of support for you? Who are the Shepherds in your life?

-Guidance for ourselves

-Guidance for each other



29.04.24 29

5th Sunday of Easter

Service: Service is one of our charisms. In what ways can we serve God? How can we serve within our school community?


-Young Leader

-Faith in Action, Student Advocates, Chaplaincy, Choir etc

06.05.24 30
6th Sunday of Easter
9th May - TheAscension of the Lord

A Good Example: In what ways can you follow God’s commandments? How can you be a good example to those around you?

-Following God's commandments

-How you behave around people who look up to you


-Toung leader


13.05.24 31 7th Sunday of Easter

The Ascension of the Lord: Before Jesus ascended, he told his disciples that they must continue to spread his Word. How can we as Jesus’ disciples continue to spread the Word?

-Spreading the Good News

-Helping others to spread the Word

-Making the right choices


20.05.24 32 Pentecost Pentecost: The Holy Spirit was sent to keep us on the right path. How can we continue to make the right decisions to keep us on the right path? Is it difficult to always make the right choices?


-Peer Pressure

-Young Leader


Half Term
03.06.24 33
Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus (Corpus Christi)

Beliefs: The disciples are given clear instructions from Jesus to go and baptise people. Do you think they had any reservations about this?

How can we share our beliefs?


-Different beliefs

-Belief in our faith

10.06.24 34
10th Sunday

Family: Jesus signifies that we are all family if we do God’s will. How can you continue to be an inspiration for your school family?  


-Friendship Resolutions

-One Family Inspired to Learn

-St. Gregory's Charisms

17.06.24 35

11th Sunday

The Parable of the Mustard Seed – We are all small individually but if we work together and care for our talents we can become very powerful. How can we work together? Is it always easy to work together with people you don’t get along with?

-Working together


-Mission Statement


-Yound Leaders

26.06.24 36

12th Sunday

Jesus Calms the Storm – How can we calm the storms in our lives? What difficulties have we got coming up that we might needs Jesus’ help for?

-Staying Calm in difficult situations

-Preparing for next academic year



01.07.24 37

13th Sunday

30th June - Feast of St. Peter and Paul, Apostles

Thankfulness – The parents of the child must have been overjoyed and very thankful to Jesus. What are you thankful to Jesus for? How can you repay Jesus for all he has done for you?

-Things to be thankful for


-Helping Others


08.07.24 38

14th Sunday

7th July - World Thank You Day

Wisdom – How have you become wiser in your decision making this school year? In what ways can we live by Jesus’ wisdom?


-Decision. Making 

-Following. Jesus' teachings



15.07.24 39 15th Sunday

Last week of term... Alton Towers/ whole school mass/CW in forms – NO YEAR GROUP COLLECTIVE WORSHIP IN THEATRE