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New Starters

Welcome to St. Gregory's

To help with that process all information given out  to parents is also available here.We are looking forward to welcoming your child to St Gregory's. 

If you have any questions please please email us at



Presentations usually given at our New Parents' Evening

New Parent Information from Pupil Progress Manager

Form Tutors Information for Parents



Additional Information Leaflets

Acceptable Use Policy (Computer Resources) Student Guidelines

Map of the school


Transition Booklets

We would like to know as much about you as we can before you start at St Gregory's in September.  Your teachers at primary school know you best of all and they have been telling us about you.  However, we need to hear from you!  Here is a booklet that we would like you to complete before you visit us this term if you can.  You will not be able to complete the first page yet but you can do that with us when you come to visit and meet your new classmates and form tutor in July.  






As we look forward to welcoming your child to St. Gregory's, we realise that there will be anxiety about the move, especially as some of the more traditional events associated with leaving Year 6 may not be able to take place.  This booklet, produced by the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families contains some useful advice you may want to read.



Transition Activities by Subject


Outdoor Art



Y6 Drama Activities



Y6 Transition Project

Book Review - in a poem!

Reading Challenge


Food Preparation and Nutrition

Healthy Eating Booklet

I like this! Describing food

Health Eating Worksheets 

The Eatwell Guide

Assessment of my Diet

Menu Planner

A Layered Salad



Y6 Bridging Activity



English Heritage: Colour your way through History
Medieval Castles

Medieval Monasteries

Norman England


ICT and Computing

Y6 Transition Activity



Summer-themed Maths Activity Booklet


Modern Foreign Languages

The Great French Language Challenge

The Great Spanish Language Challenge


Personal Development

Careers Information and Guidance Activity

Learning Resource Centre Activities


Physical Education

Anatomy and Physiology


Religious Education

Y6 Keyword Summer Challenge

Y6 Summer Religious Education Project

